
Archive for April 1st, 2008


Jet-setting bachelor Dex Messina thought he knew everything about women…until he met the tiny infant girl abandoned on his doorstep. One thing Dex was sure of: the gorgeous redhead who stormed back into his life, insisting she’d made a mistake, was hiding something. And uncovering her secret would be his pleasure.


To gain custody of her beloved niece, Lucy Alwin would do anything—even pose as the woman with whom Dex had shared one intimate night. But if boldly lying to the powerful billionaire was difficult, resisting their burning desire could prove impossible.






When my first book came out in 2003, the box in which Harlequin sent author copies was the same box they shipped to the stores. It had the words “Receive and Display Immediately” printed on the side. So I did.

I carefully unpacked the box, stacked the books in the center of my dining room table like a centerpiece and took pictures. The books sat there, for all to admire for weeks until my cat Delynn gave them a not-so-gentle nudge and the stack tumbled over.

I’ve always loved getting author copies (and for those of you who also read my blog on Romance Junkies, no, I’m not obsessed with them.) But over the years, as I sold additional books and received copies of them, I began to loose my enthusiasm for the industry. Editorial changes and lines closing coincided with some tough times in my personal life. I began to wonder if writing professionally was worth it. Writing has always been arduous for me, but it started to feel like work.

In 2005, after the birth of my first child, when my editor passed on one proposal and then a second, I wasn’t relieved, but I wasn’t exactly heartbroken either. It seemed fitting that I take a little time off. I enjoyed my baby while dabbling with some other projects, a couple of single title things and even a cozy mystery.

However, what was supposed to be a very short break for “maternity leave” started dragging on without a sale in sight. I started to worry. Then to panic. Had the industry passed me by completely? Had I lost my place in line because I wasn’t hungry enough? Was my career over? One of the things about being a writer … the longer you do it, the less suited you are to do anything else. So what in the beejezus would I do if my career was over?

In short, it was time to stop fooling around and come up with a great idea. Thankfully I did. I happened to pitch an idea about two brothers who find a baby on their doorstep just as my editor was looking for books about babies and billionaires. It was perfect timing. Quite lucky on my part.

The truth is, this sale was nearly as exciting as my first. I was thrilled to make the sale and every stage since then—from writing the book to getting the cover—has felt like a gift. Hopefully I’ll never again feel complacent about my writing.

To be honest, I feel blessed by the lull in my career. In fact, I may even break open my box of author copies and display them on the dining room table.


Emily McKay


P.S.  I’m running a contest on my website. Be sure to stop by for a chance to win a one of two $50 gift cards from Amazon.com.



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